1. Subject Matter

  2. SEEJ publishes original research in all areas of Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures. Papers on non-Slavic East European subjects are also invited, specifically subjects concerning Hungarian, Romanian, and Baltic cultures. Caucasian cultures (Georgian, Armenian, and Azerbaijan) in interaction with Slavic cultures also fall within the purview of the journal. Submitted articles should be well-documented and should reflect command of relevant primary sources in original languages and knowledge of the current state of research in appropriate areas. Pedagogical articles report the results of research, experimentation, and evaluation.

    SEEJ does not publish original fiction or translations of literary works.

  3. Originality

  4. Only original work is considered for publication. Submission to SEEJ represents certification by the author(s) that neither the manuscript nor any substantially similar version of it is under consideration for publication or has appeared elsewhere.

  5. Membership

  6. Because publication of the journal is supported by the members of AATSEEL, all contributors must be members of the association at the time they submit their manuscripts and during the year of publication. See information about joining AATSEEL.

  7. Evaluation

  8. All articles and notes submitted for publication are reviewed anonymously and should be prepared so that the author's identity is not revealed either in the body of the manuscript or in bibliographic references. Manuscripts are read by at least two anonymous evaluators, who recommend acceptance (with minor or substantial revisions) or rejection and give specific reasons for their decision.

  9. Recommended length

  10. Submitted articles should be between seven and nine thousand words, including references and notes. The Editor may be asked for prior approval for manuscripts in excess of this limit. Those interested in submitting review articles are asked to contact the Review Editor regarding subject matter and length prior to submission.

  11. Language

  12. Because English is the language of the journal, all submissions should be written in good, contemporary American English. We welcome submissions from abroad; however, if the writer is not a native speaker of English, s/he should please have the manuscript reviewed by a native speaker for lexical and grammatical issues prior to submission.
    See below for translation issues.

  13. Submission preparation

  14. All manuscripts submitted to SEEJ, including reviews, should be neatly typed with margins of 1" (one inch) on all sides; they should be double-spaced throughout, including notes, block quotes, and references. All notes should be footnotes. Consult MLA for formatting of in-text citations and references; consult the Chicago Manual of Style for all other questions not noted in this guide.

    The submission should be accompanied by an abstract of up to one page in English, to facilitate the selection of reviewers. At the time of publication, an abstract in the language of the article topic will also be required, as well as a brief biographical statement by the author.

    To simplify the submission process, please include a copy of the Contributor Questionnaire, which can also be found in the back of recent issues of SEEJ.

  15. Style Sheet for Authors
    When using transliteration please follow the LC system, except for papers in linguistics and pedagogy, where the international system is appropriate (see transliteration charts published regularly in the Journal). In shorter quotes, please use transliteration instead of Cyrillic, since this broadens the potential readership of the journal. However, for poetry, block quotations, and when a point can be better made by reference to the Cyrillic, Cyrillic should be used. When transliterating the Cyrillic hard and soft signs, please use straight quotes ('), not curly quotes (’).

    1. Anglicized words such as “ruble,” “kopek,” “kolkhoz,” “glasnost” should be used except
    in linguistic or directly quoted Cyrillic text, in which case the words are to be transliterated according
    to the transliteration tables in the journal.
    2. All Slavic names of real people, living or dead, must be transliterated according to one of
    the above tables (e.g., Gor'kii, Ol'ga, etc.).
    3. Slavic names of fictional characters may be Anglicized as in commonly found English
    translations (e.g., Olga, Lensky, Fyodor, etc.), provided that they are written consistently throughout the article.
    4. Bibliographical references should contain names as they are spelled on the original
    sources quoted, and, if necessary, transliterated according to one of the tables referenced in the journal.
    5. Geographical names with Anglicized spellings should be mentioned using their common
    appellation; e.g.: Yalta, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, etc. Those foreign names which appear
    in bibliographic references should be transliterated from the original.

    Whenever possible, quotations should be given in English translation. All non-English quotations must be provided with an English translation. However, secondary literature coming from a non-English-language source should be quoted in English translation only, unless there is some specific need for quoting the original.

    A translation (and conversely the original wording within an English translation) that is provided for a sentence or paragraph should be set off in parentheses after the original (or conversely after the translation)—for example, "Kakoi durak!” (“What a fool!”) (Ivanov 15). If a single word or phrase within the foreign-language quotation is translated, that translation should appear italicized in square brackets inside the quotation marks, thus: "What a fool [durak]!" (Ivanov 15). If the original is given as a block quote, then the translation should also be set as a block quote below it, but the parentheses should be omitted. Reference information for the original should be attached to the original quote, and a source for the translation should be attached to the translation if the translator is not the author of the article. Repeated words or short phrases in a foreign language should be italicized and translated on first occurrence and italicized without quotation mark thereafter—e.g.: bulochnaia-konditerskaia (bakery-patisserie), and bulochnaia-konditerskaia thereafter; likewise: poshlost' (approximately ‘kitsch’) and poshlost' thereafter.

    REFERENCES (formerly Works Cited)
    All works mentioned in the article, whether they are quoted from or not, should be listed under "REFERENCES" alphabetically by author or editor (as applicable) in a section at the end of the document with full bibliographical information following the basic MLA style (multiple works by the same author should be listed chronologically). Please provide a state code for all but the most major US cities, e.g., Bloomington, IN: Slavica. Indigenous spelling of city names is preferred: Moskva, Wien. American publisher citations should be abbreviated to, e.g., U of California P, Yale UP.

    In the text, citations should follow the basic MLA style and be as brief as possible, supplying only as much information as necessary to locate the work and page using the REFERENCES section, e.g., (Smith 45, 67), (Pushkin 9: 25), or for a general reference (Smith), or perhaps nothing if Smith is already named in the text and there is only one entry for Smith in the REFERENCES section. For multiple works by the same author, use author, abbreviated title, and page number—e.g., (Smith, “Allusions” 23) or (Tolstoi, Kazaki 75). If there are several works by an author in the same year, again use abbreviated titles. Multiple references within a single set of parentheses can be separated by commas, unless commas are already used within a single reference—e.g., (Smith, Jones, Pushkin), but (Smith, “Conjugation” 23; Jones; Pushkin) or (Smith, Jones, and Davis [i.e., three co-authors]; Pushkin).

    References to major canonical texts, e.g. Eugene Onegin, Crime and Punishment, Dante's The Divine Comedy, may be given by chapter, stanza, etc., to facilitate the use of various editions, but at least one edition of the work should always be given in the references.

    Sample References:

    • Jackson, Robert L. "Chekhov's 'The Student'." Reading Chekhov's Text. Ed. Robert L. Jackson. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 1993. 127-33.
    • Pushkin, A. S. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh. Moskva: ANSSSR, 1956-63.
    • Smith, John. "Pocahontas in Russian Literature," Slavic Review 34.1 (1977): 35-49.
    • Smith, John, Martha Jones and Ivan Ivanov. "The Last of the Slavic Mohicans." Slavic & East European Journal 55.3 (1999): 102-31.

    When giving page spreads for references in the text, notes and references, please give the last two digits of the second number, e.g., (234–35). Exceptions: 203–205 (i.e., when the first digit would be a zero), 298–304.

    Use square brackets for insertions within a quotation (e.g., of a translation into the original or of the original into a translation and of any changes made by you, including ellipses). E.g.: "[Ivan] said [skazal] that he felt […] sick" (Tolstoy 7: 22). Parentheses should be used for insertions of translations into the body of a text.

    Parentheses within parentheses should remain parentheses and not be converted to square brackets; e.g.. This point was made before (as she previously noted (Davis, “Symbolism” 32)).

    For all literary movement and artistic period names please capitalize the word to distinguish it from the more general concept, e.g. “Russian Symbolism of the 1890s,” but “the author's use of symbolism.” Also: Futurism, Realism, Communism, Marxism, Postmodernism, Romantic, Sentimental, the Thaw, Stagnation, etc.

    Time periods such as the “70s” or “1920s” are given without an apostrophe or an extra space after the year.

    For questions not answered on this style sheet please consult the MLA handbook or Chicago Manual of Style or refer to a recent issue of SEEJ.

  17. Reviews

  18. Reviews of publications received by the journal are solicited by the Associate Editor for Reviews. SEEJ welcomes the help of its readers in identifying publications for review, particularly East European and other foreign imprints. Please consult the Review Editor, Ona Renner-Fahey, before undertaking an unsolicited review. Guidelines for reviews are provided by the Associate Editor for Reviews. A list of books available for review is also available at this web site.

Editorial addresses:
Slavic and East European Journal (SEEJ)
Email seej@osu.edu

All editorial correspondence and submissions except reviews should be sent to::
Professor Yana Hashamova, Editor of the Slavic and East European Journal
Department for Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
400 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: seej@osu.edu

Book Reviews:
Correspondence regarding reviews and copies for review should be sent to:
Dr. Ona Renner-Fahey
Professor of Russian
The University of Montana
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Liberal Arts Building, Room 329
Missoula, MT 59812
Email: SEEJ.Book.Reviews@gmail.com

A full list of the editorial board is also available.